Monday, April 27, 2009

Furry Thinking

Good morning, Mr. Rabbit
Sitting there, by the garden
In your salt and pepper coat
What could you be contemplating?
Will she plant again
Those yummy petunias?
Will I misjudge the length
Of that dumb dog's leash?
Or what of the fate of my cousin
Who lost his leg to the lawnmower?
Every single spring
Is a whole new ballgame

Monday, April 20, 2009

Leaving You

Leaving you
Was never simple
When I would go away
We would do that dance
I'd try to get you to go
You'd waffle and say no
You know I hate to travel
And you need time alone
And I'd be a little relieved
And go, but miss you

When you began falling
I wouldn't want to go
To the gym or the store
You'd promise to stay in place
And I'd come home
To find you on the floor

When you were in the hospital
I'd get ready to leave
And you'd say
Oh, I know how it is
You're glad to get out of here
You'll go home, pet the dog
Put your feet up and have some tea
But when you leave
Everything here turns to garbage
So I'd stay a little longer
And in truth, I was relieved
To finally go

And now I must leave you
Again, not a simple thing
For you have left before me
And I must find a way
To carry the memories
And the heartbreak
Within me
While remaining whole

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Florida Dawn

The courtship calls
Of the great heron
White ibis stalking
Their prey
Prelude to
The duffers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Mantra For 2009

I am the current
The stream
I am the leaf
The wind
I am the petal
The rose